Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our crew and the trip

 Sorry there were no posts for the past couple of days...I think rain or something slowed the internet to a crawl.  Finally I'm in a hotel in FL and can fill you in on more details.

Let's start with the Surgery Crew:
Mike, Fred, Henry, Randy, George and Dana along with Dr. Bernard, the local Haitian surgeon performed over 120 procedures including skin grafts, amputations, ORIFs, dressing changes, and washouts in addition to roaming the tents filled with the 420+ patients here. This eval allowed them to identify patients that urgently needed attention to.  Jeff and Rick had to keep up with the anesthesia, but with such a volume, they recruited Doug to assist with procedural sedation.  There were probably more patients with external fixators here in one location than most US physicians would see in their lifetime. 

All this was done without the use of fluoro/C-arm, so you can truly see they have to be experts at their jobs!


  1. Please note that we did not implant the SIGN through the open BKA wound pictured. :)

    Joe, I will send you an intraop photo grim that case to update.

    Great blog. Thanks for the hard work.


  2. oh yeah...send me the correct pic and I'll update!
