Monday, February 15, 2010

South Bend Team video recap... (CLICK HERE)

Check out this youtube video I made to chronicle our experiences...

1 comment:

  1. After viewing all of the pictures and slide shows I am speechless to say the least! I know in my heart that God sent you angels to fly to Haiti to save so mnay lives and that you did!! Job well done!!! Thank heaven there are people like you all that care and are so dedicated to do something so special. We all think we have it so bad here in thes states and when you view these pictures it really wakes you up big time. I have never seen anyone like these people who have nothing and are having such horrible health issues bounce back and with big smiles!!! They really do appreciate all the help they are receiving from all of you dedicated people who all took off time from work and paid for the trip. You will forever hold a place in your warm hearts for all of the people you saved and for all the people there that you met while in Haidi. I know Doug and Dr. Walsh and they were telling my husband and I all about their blessed trip and it brought tears to my eyes just listening to them. I know in my heart you will all return soon and save many other lives. You are ALL very dedicated people who really do care about people. Thank God there are such wonderful doctors, nurses and everyone that joined in on your team that flew to Haidi. What a welcome sight you all must have been to all of those needing your helping hands and save their lives. I know in my heart you will all return soon to continue saving lives. God bless you all for doing such a wonderful gift you gave to all of those families. It is just wonderful knowing there are people like you all that take the time to leave your jobs, pay for the trip, etc. I pray you can continue to help them. You will all be blessed for the rest of your lives for doing such a loving. The pictures show how dedicated you are and I will forever have a heavy heart knowing what all you did in Haidi. Keep up the good work! Loren and Sue Seggerman from Granger,Indidan...
